[1918?, Jan. 8]
610 H St. N.W. Washington, Jan 8
My dear Mrs. Pyle,
If you approve the appointment of Mrs. Ellwood Perichs Liberty Loan Chrman,. for S. Dak. will you please notify Mrs. S.A. Christianson, Sec'y, Sioux Falls? If you feel that a meeting is necessary in order to take proepr action on these women - I mean those of Mrs. Perichs for Liberty Loan
and Miss Robinson as Chairman for Ford Production and Home Economics, will you call a meeting, preside, and take action, counting my vote affirmative in both cases?
We need chairmen for the different departments, and though no money is in sight let us try to get them. I hope Mrs. K. Zetlitz, if desired by the Committee, would serve either as Chairman for Registration
[1918?, Jan.8]
or of Red Cross and Allied Relief. Mrs. Campbell wrote for permission to get Mrs. Zetlitz' help in registration. Writing takes so long that I telegraphed her to go ahead, but we must get her properly appointed is she is to serve.
As you may guess, I have thought a good deal about Mrs. Campbell. I had hoped she would be appointed Liberty Loan
Chairman, but she withdrew her name before final action was taken.
Do yo think it would be wise or unwise on the whole to try to get her as Chairman of the Woman's Committee? I know her limtiations: I also know her exceptional gifts in money ways. Please tell me frankly, because all we wish any of us to do is the best thing for
the cause we have at heart. Deeply as I am interested in it all, it is becoming more and more clear to me that I cannot do what needs doing, but I am most deeply interested in getting the right people.
I have been thinking, too, of Mrs. Rewman, who evidently has ability and interest and time. If she would acept it would she
make a good chairman for "Educational Propaganda"?
If Mrs. Whiting would accept it would she make a good chairman for "Child Welfare," and if you have suggestions for other chairmanships not yet mentioned, will you give me then, with your answer to above.
Would Mrs. Pigeon make a good chairman for "Safeguarding Moral and Spiritual Forces?