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there is a report that we leave here tomorrow but how ever i don't know i am out of money now and when i get any pay i don't know i sent Jane five dolers After i got to the rapids as long as i had money to buy Milk i got along very well but now i must [cusod?] food stuff to eat and a good Apetite to eat but how soon i leave here or where i go i don't know there is about 200 here now i heard from Lockport yesterday they have got no volunteers so they will get Drafted out, the Drafted men wherever the government needs them my love to you all Henry
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as if my lungs war ill loose if i had not been drafted I never wold have been here. i left Jane very well of to live she had two busels of flour and plenty of potatoes she will have 40 or 50 bushels to sell in the spring so she will stay on the place till i get back if i have the luck to get back I dont think her folks wold send for her or send her anythin either but i am the one that is goint
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you write what the price of the farm is that is advertised by Austin & farmer and what the improvement is and how many Acres in all we had a letter from Angeline they are well
Jane has gone to see the preachers wife she has a baby two days old Charley is is writing you a leter a very coarse [hond?] he thinks you are deaf
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