p. 28




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our progress is best very indifferent today, &[and] during the night we had showers of rain.
A ship was seen today a long way to the windward, she apparently was going the
same way as ourselves, My [corser] upon the [ll] toothe for my jaw was sore &[and] swollen,
[He} Again we are in almost a calm, how unfortunate, we have not had
[illegible] 6 days fair sailing since we left Kurachie, &[and] now we are on board 44 days,
what will the end be, it ought to be good according to the old saying, today a ship
appears but in an other direction than the one we saw yesterday, [?y] sent many
small whales &[and] purposes[porpoises] was seen [s?o?lling] about in the Calm waters near our ship
about 5 o 6 [5 or 6] P.M. we [illegible] up with the ships, it was very pleasant for both, she
was from Java, for Liverpool, Her name is the Reinsrowshire. she was then 17 days at sea
her Crew give us three Cheers we returned the Complement, we are very crowed on such
[illegible] and [wh???skies] ordered us to be put off there at Retreat. where could we go, we
Could not move about, on the deck. &[and] all being experienced [illegible] Commanded to
Kik up now [??thing] &[and] shouting. &[and] calling [illegible] them over board, they feared
[illegible] &[and] you're [or?] [t?] back to the [illegble] as the [Lattov]. no more [illegible] them
about evening the breeze rose a little. [Stansalls?], were [illegible] [illegible] [illegible] [illegible].

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