p. 25




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sails for the stormy weather, but night the man who died +
committed to the bosoms of the mighty Deep, his Kitt was [?], +
Solid, exceedingly dear, especly Tobaco, Today the weather is inclined to be
squally, + showery, but we [?] but little as long as the wind continues
towards night a ship appered in our front + before dark we was opsite her
although a good bit distant, she was signilised + answered with the Union jack
She apparently was sailing towards the [Mareshons?], the wind [illegible?] towards
night, but by 10.o.c. P.M. the brease commenced to freshen + by 10 it was
sending us along at the rate of 8 or 9 Miles per hours.

10th Still a strong wind but almost ahead of us, heavy showers of wind
+ Rain encomposed us, flashes of lightning + Rores of thunder was flashing
+ Roring round us, the Rain fall in very heavy drops, in fackt it was a
[?] powers. + 2 Minutes is quite suficiend to wet one to the skin
grait grumbling amongst the men about their rations as the ship
company hyes to serve them out short we have a very [illegible?]

11th Today we have the heavest sea that has been since we came on
board. Loss + [Sixth?] [illegible?]

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