p. 23



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you so much admire, oh, about 11 years ago he said, will [?] I [illegible?]
you labour [illegible?] a very dreary abode, do you expect to return + find
the girl as young looking + fond hearted as when you left, or do you that the
same girl will find in you the same man that left England + has
Served 10 years under the burning Sun of India, believe me that
although you do not know any difference yourself, your relatives
will find it on your return, I will give you an advice an old
Man once gave me, it was as follows

Sow not your seed in [?] Land
Nor put your trust in [weave?]
Nor Ride upon an Elephant
For the [?] of your [Gaze?]

All this passes very well + very amusing when all is well + gay, but there
is a time when sorrow sprades her wings over us + stands between us + the
Sun of pleasure for a time, a Man of the 51st Regt. was taken badly
shortly after coming on board with Desentrey, he Died about 8 1/2 o'c P.M.
+ was buried in the deep at 1. o.c following Morning. he

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