with Miss Neptune, how [illegible?]
her word to me as regards keeping her word to watch + keep me safe
from danger for many a [illegible?] [pass?] our ship on all sides so it
is plain that Some Angle has appered + give some consolation,
I have been taken care of by some unseen hand in all my [travels?],
and in every danger I have confronted, that hand must have been
the hand of God. + to him I entirely give any self to his guidance +
and protection, I do, not [illegible?] his Mercies, but he is generous + kind
+ I through his help have an assurance of reaching my [illegible] safety
where I cane explain all his wondrous works I have seen both, by sea +
by land, but although I were involved in company + friends I shall [illegible?]
remember my fond friends in India service [illegible?] + some who
lie under the green [illegible?], where the hand of Nature [illegible?] them
[illegible?], had my [illegible?] it pleased him to take [illegible]
3rd Very nice wether today, + a good wind, every one seems [glad?]
+ well pleased at the progrese our ship is making, every sail is
histed, + full with wind the Sun shining [illegible?] but [illegible?] so -
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