p. 12




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"Nomine Gregori, meritis, studioque colendi;"
"Regis Graecorum natus, Gregorius Abbas" -
"Primus Poncetum coluit templumque locavit;"
"Cuius in hac fossa ^ requiescant corporis ossa,"
"Spiritus ante deum laudes resonabit in aevum."


"Posteritas renovavit anno 1611."


"Restaurato a belli clade templo"
"Et pio: Parochiae sede recens dato."


The Commerce of the town of Aix la Chapelle [[Aachen]] is not so [florishing?]
as during the time the French excluded English goods from the
Continent; but there are several large & excellent shops, &
every sort of goods upon sale. [[Dupaty]]'s letters on [[Italy]]
3.F. 1/2 & [[Craan]]'s battle of [[Waterloo]] 4.F. Today had been
at once the most interesting & most fagging of the whole I have
employed on the tour; For besides seeing the tour & [environs?] I have
had to devote eight hours at least to my Journals which I
have close, as my route now lays, thro' [through] [[Brussels]] for [[Paris]].
I shall visit, en passant, the field of [[Waterloo]] & St. Jean [[Mont-St-Jean]],
& state merely the names of the towns I pass on my
route, as I hope another year to have time to make a
detour of some days at [[Brussells]], & at [illegible?] of [the?]
interesting towns in [advance?] upon [[Paris]].

[double horizontal lines]

Bile [Billet?] at Auberge - aix } 26th } - Reached Liege [[Liège]]: 5.p:m:}
1. [Mad:m each 2 eeno?]
By Diligence at 7.a:m: to Liege [[Liège]] - a very extensive
& opulent City on the [[Meuse]] - its commerce in coal
& iron carried down this river to the [[Rhine]] - former-
-ly under the government of it's own Prince & Arch B'p [Bishop] -
united to [[France]] by Bnpte [[Bonaparte]] - & now forming a part
of the Dominion of the [[Netherlands]] - the Pays Bas [[Netherlands]] -
it is situated in a very deep vale & the hills rise a-
-round it, & on the line of the River, to a considerable
height - great appararent fertility of the surrounding
country - at 6.p:m> by Diligence to [[Brussels]] 15.F. - a cou
-ner south covered Cabriolet goes hence to [[Paris]] by [Gioet?] 3. [per?] Semain

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Includes text in Latin.