p. 11




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==27th Brkfst [breakfast] at Lorvaen [[Louvain?]] 3.F. - =
Reached [Brussels]] at 10:a:m: London Hotel - Kept by En-
-glish people - 11.a:m:. thro' [through] the wood of [Scigncy?] & Wa -
terloo [[Waterloo]] to Mt St Jean [[Mont-Saint-Jean]], La Haie Sainte [[La Haye Sainte ]] & Belle Alliance [[La Belle Alliance]] -
Monument erecting to [[Sir A: Gordon]] close to Wallington's [[Wallonia?]] tree -
torrents of Rain - Car & 18.F. Bile [Billet?] at Hotel 16. Fr. -

4.a:m: by Diligence (65. F.) for [[Paris]] thro' [through] [[Valenciennes]] -
N:B. 3.F. 20c. - at [[Halle]] brkfst [breakfast]. 6.a:m: - at Sorgny [[Soignies]] en-
-tered the Church, whilst high mass was performing - [[Mons]]
a large & handsome town with beautiful Gothic Cathedral -
a little way below the barrier between the Kingdom of the
[[Netherlands]] and [[France]], at [[Blanc Misseron]], our baggage
examined by the Douamen [Douanes?] - 8.p:m: reached the gates
of [[Valenciennes]] garrisoned by Scotch Troops - [thru?] camp to
the E. [Edge?] of the town - Douamen [Douanes?] [feed?] to leave our baggage
unexamined - our Conductor (the 5.[p?]) ought to have had
the luggage [plumbed?] at the fin'l [final] place of [mispution?] -
slept & [supplied?] here - {XI. F-} - General Burbane is the
English Commandant - the Prussains made a breach in
the walls of this place in 1814 * + as also at Cambray [[Cambrai]] [[Valenciennes]] seems
a very extensive place & is commanded by heights -

at 6:a:m. for [[Bouchain]] - at 12. reached Cambray [[Cambrai]] -
English Camp to the north of the town - Guards on duty -
[ward?] of Coldstream Reg.t [Regiment] playing before the town hall in the
beautiful marketplace - two elegant Churches - modern
Shops kept by Englishmen - Passports demanded at our
entrée - Took them to the Bureau of the Police, & at our
sortie from the town, demanded again - our baggage was
again examined about 2. hours from [[Cambray]] - Monument
to [Marshal Villais?] - & extent of [Maiffsos Villones?] - [Hais?] at
[[Peronne]], called La Pucelle - strongly fortified.

Brkfst [Breakfast] at [[Senlis]] - trees cutting {30th} down on each side of the road -
3.F: 1/2 - reached [[Paris]] at 1/2 3.p:m: - [Do.?] at Lambets 6.F.-
gloves, the 6.p. & bill with Porters for luggage 7.p. and 5.h.
Theatre Francaise, 6.h. 1/2 1- to see Talma [[François-Joseph Talma]] in la fosse [[Antoine de La Fosse]] Tragedy
of Manluis [Manlius] - Mdmslle [[Mademoiselle Golnay]] - } Mdmsl. [[Mademoiselle Duchlemon]], aisle box.

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Days are distinguished by horizontal lines drawn across page.


"Diligence" refers to a large stagecoach.


" + as also at [[Cambray]]" is inserted between lines.