p. 6



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[Text in ink:]

Lausanne } the walk - Cathedral - prospect - Lake &c - the little
chapel at Morat Murten?, wh: [which] contained the bones of the of the Duke of Bur
's defeated army, destroyed by the French in 1798 - Cross hence into
the road to Bulle, for

Fribourg - } Church of St. [Saint] Nicholas Gothic its spire - celebrated her-
mitage one league from the village - 90 ft long - by 20 ft bdth -

to Berne Bern
} public walks - that near the Cathedral - distant chain of Alps -
Cathedral - Arsenal - Hotel de Ville - hospital & College
are handsome - 1650 ft [feet] above the level of the sea -

to Soleure Solothurn
} Front of the Cathedral - on the river Aar Aare - romantic road
by [Balital?], Langenbruh Langendorf? or Langenbruch? - Waldenburg - Liental - to

Basle Basel? }

[Text in pencil not yet transcribed.]

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Contains text in ink and in pencil, perpendicular to each other, in seemingly two different handwritings. Pencil text is partially obscured by gutter.

Contains text formatted in two columns, with } text decorations to guide the reader.