p. 37




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H Courses K F Winds Remarks on Monday 20 April
1 SE B E 7 4 NNE Cloudy
2 7 2
3 6 2
4 5 6
5 5 "
6 5 2 Light gale Round Variation B Algth 4:15
7 6 " Do [ditto] Do [ditto]
8 2 "
9 South 3 6
10 SSE 4 4 Vble [Variable] Squally & Rain
11 SE B S 3 " Vble [Variable] Squally & Rain
12 SE 4 6
1 5 6
2 5 6
3 SE B E 5 "
4 4 " AM got the Stream anchor in unstockt it and stowd [stowed] it on the fore castle
5 5 4
6 5 "
7 5 2 Sailmaker reapairing the worst [symbol] 9 Calker [Caulker] caulking the watter [water] ways on the upper dek other tradesmen as necessary
8 6 2
9 6 2 Kept the stil going
10 6 2
11 6 4
Dist P Log 128 Miles Lat [Latitude] Obs [Observed] 31:53

Course Dist X Lat Dept Lat Act X Long Long in
S 57 E 126 69 106 31:50 125 16:44

H Courses K F Winds Remarks on Tuesday 21 April
1 SE B E 6 2 N B E Variable Winds and Weather throughout
2 5 6
3 5 2
4 5 4 Sailmaker repairing the worst fore top sail Armorer at is forge
5 4 4
6 5 2 Vble [Variable]
7 4 "
8 4 6 Rain People as necessary
9 4 2 Do [ditto] Do [ditto]
10 5 "
11 6 "
12 6 4 NNE Kept the stil going
1 7 6 Vble [Variable] & Rain
2 7 " Vble [Variable] & Rain
3 6 " Vble [Variable] & Rain
4 5 "
5 5 4 Do [ditto] Do [ditto]
6 5 2 Do [ditto] Do [ditto]
7 5 " Do [ditto] Do [ditto]
8 6 " Vble [Variable] & Rain
9 4 " Vble [Variable] & Rain
10 5 6 Vble [Variable] & Rain
11 5 2
12 4 4
Dist P Log 129 Miles No Observations

Course Dist X Lat Dept Lat Act X Long Long in
S 60 E 129 65 112 32:58 131 14:39

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