p. 7
Monday 30th March 1795
Fresh breeze Southly [Southerly] fair weather AM came on board [[Mr. John Hazey]] Companys Inspector and [[Mr. Wm [William] Sanders]] Comp [Company] Surveyor and inspected the ship cleard [cleared] the limber board the kentledge Recd [Received] on board 42 empty batts employd [employed] stowing them Cheif and third on board.
Tuesday 31st March -- Moderate breezes SE fair weather Red [received] on board 15 empty batts employed stowing them and filling them -- Officer 1st and 3rd
Wednesday 1st April -- Fresh breezes East hazy weather at noon hove out of the Brunswick Dock and lashd [lashed] along the side the East of Oxford at the lower Moorings employd [employed] filling water Officer 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Thursday 2nd April
Fresh gales NEd [Eastward] foggy weaterh Recd [received] on board 31 empty batts employd [employed] stowing and filling them in the evening came along side a lighter with shot officer 1st and 3rd
Friday 3rd April
Moderate breezes Eastly [Easterly] Receiving on board ship and [shells?] ironmongery ware and copper coin on account of the Honorable Company officer chief third and 6th
Saturday 4th April
Moderate breezes Northly [Northerly] employed securing our f[?] copper coin on account of Hon. [Honorable] Company 1st and 3rd on board
Sunday 5th April
Light breezes NEly [Easterly] cloudy weather with small rain passed by two of his Majesties yachts one having on board [[Commodore Payne]] and the [[Princess of Wales]] who landed at [[Greenwich]] about 1/2 past 12 o'clock officer 1st 4th and 6th
p. 8
Ship Hawke at Blackwell
Monday 6th April 1795
Light breezes NEly [NEasterly] cloudy weather with Rain Emp. [employed] receiving on board the ship [?] 3 new cables, [span?] on account of the Honb [Honorable] Company and sundry ship store officer on board chief fourth and sixth
Tuesday 7th April 95
Light breezes Easty [Easterly] cloudy weather and Rain employd [employed] receiving on board 20 anchor on account of the Honb [Honorable] Company [?] store [?] and the officer 1st 4th and 6th
Wednesday 8th 95
Light breeze Eastly [Easterly] cloudy weather empld [employed] receiving on board cases of copper on account of Honb [Honorable] Company and 10 Batts Mizzen setting up Mizzen officer 2d 4th 6th
Thursday 9th 95
Light breeze NEly [Easterly] cloudy Recd [Received] on board 163 cases of copper for Hon [Honorable] Company sendg [sending] ship stores officer 2d 4th 6th
Friday 10th April 95
Light air from the North employd [employed] receiving on board ironmongery and [?] on account of Company and 2 cables for the ship Officer 2nd 4th and 6th
Saturday 11th April 95
Air from the Northd [Northward] fine weather employd [employed] receiving on board cases of copper from Company and 3 cables and other stores for the ship officer 2d 4th 6th
Sunday 12th April
Light breezes from the North variable with sail the Oxford East Indiaman from [C?] officer 2d 4th 6th
p. 9
Monday 13th April 95
Light breezes from the NE received on board different stores for the ship [on?] officer 2d 3d and 6th
Tuesday 14th 95 April
Light breezes from the NNW Rcd [Received] on board 3 anchor and some stores for the ship officer 2d 3d 6th
Wednesday 15th 95 April
Fresh breezes from the Westd [Westward] cloudy employd [employed] receiving on board copper on account of the company bent sail Officer 1st 3d and 6th
Thursday 16th April
Fresh breezes Westly [Westerly] fair bent cables and set the rigging up Recd [Received] on board 40 fs [feet?] billet wood and sundry ship stores employd [employed] getting ship ready to go to Gravesend draught of water found 17 feet aft 15 feet 11 with officer 1st 3d 6th
Friday 17th April
Moderate breezw WNW fair at sun rise [hove?] with clear of the shipping at 10 AM made sail ship the hawser and run down to Gravesend N 1/2 [?] 1 PM came too B B a mile above the town carried the small B out with the boat and moored ship a cable each way unbent sail and down top galt [gallant] yard Recd [received] 20 [?] to assist the ship officers on board 1st 2d 3d 4th and 6th
p. 10
Saturday 18 Apl [April] 1795
Strong Gales Southerly the first part fair, the latter rain, received on board copper on acct. [account] of the Hble [Honorable] Company the ships stores brandy, blacking the yards & mastheads saved B. Bower Cable officers on board 1, 3, & 6th
Sunday 19th
Strong gales Soerly [Southerly] washed the gun deck officers on board second 4 & 6th
Monday the 20th
Fresh breezes SSE with variable weather, people employed under the boastwain officers on board second 4 & 6th
Tuesday the 21st
Light breezes SSW, People employed under the boatswain received on board some old ship's stores officers on board second 4 & 6th
Wednesday the 22d
Fresh breezes Westerly received on board on acct. [account] of the Honlbe [Honorable] E. I. [East India] Company Shot shells & hand granades officers on board second 4 & 6th
Thursday the 23rd
Fresh breezes at times WSW received on board on acct. [account] of the Honble [Honorable] Company, shot, the ships arm chest and other stores officers on board second 4 & 6th sailed the Barwell Captn [Captain] Welladvice
Friday the 24th
Fresh breezes WSW received on board of the Honble [Honorable] Company shot & shells with Provisions on acct. [account] of his Majesty's squadron in the East Indies sailed the London E. Indiaman Captn [Captain] L. Grant Officers on board second 4 & 6th
Saturday the 25th
Strong gales SW received on board on acct. [account] of his Majesty's squadron in the East Indies with provisions sailed the Deptford E. Indiaman cleared the Hawke officers on board second 4 & 6th
Sunday the 26th
Strong gales from the Wtward [Westward] with hard squalls and rain at 11 came on board [[Captn [Captain] Edwards]] who is appointed commander, [[Captn [Captain] Pennele]] having resigned cleared Hawke came down the Honble [Honorable] Company Ship Benington officers on board chief 3 & 6th
Monday the 27th
Strong gales from the SW fair weather, employ- ed receiving on board Kings provisions & company's cargo officers on board chief 3 & 6th
Tuesday the 28th
Strong gales of wind from the SW with rain, employed receiving on board canvas &c. on acct. [account] of the Honble [Honorable] Company employed in the hold & about the rigging. officers on board chief 3rd & 6th
Wednesday the 29th
Strong gales from West to SW The latter moderate received on board the ship's salt, provisions, employed in the hold & about the rigging in the evening an American ship dropt athwart, hawze carried away their mizen mast did us no damage officers on board chief third & sixth