p. 281



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The following is a selection from the list of plates previously issued by the Society, and
still available to members in lieu of the work of the current year:-

(For full list of alternative works, see General Prospectus, sent post free on application.)

[{4 column table}]

Claude Duval Frith. R. A. L. Stocks, R. A. 27X19
*Dutch Trawlers Cooke, R. A. A. Wilmore 26X17
*Death of Nelson Maclise, R. A. C. W. Sharpe 45X12 *
*Wellington and Blucher Maclise, R. A. L. Stocks, R. A. 45X12
*The Loss of the Revenge Brierly A. Willmore 33X18
*The Attack of the Vanguaard Brierly A. Willmore 33X18
*Streatley-on-Thanes Leader, A. R. A. A. Willmore 24X13
*A Spanish Letter-Writer Burgess, R. A. L. Stocks, R. A.
*Stolen by Gipsies Burgess, R. A. L. Stocks, R. A., and C. Jeens 24X16
{E. P. Brandard}
{Cox} {A. Willimore}
*Eight Coast Scenes {C. Fielding} {C. Cousen} 12X9
{S.Prout} {and T. A. Prior}
English Merrymaking Frith, R.A. W. Holl 34X21
*Venice Turner, R. A. J. T. Willmore, A. R. A. 24X16
*Italy Turner, R. A. J. T. Willmore, A. R. A. 26X16
*Rebekah F. Goodall, R.A. W. Hall 16X20
[{4 column table}]

*The Road to Ruin (5 plates) Frith, R. A. L. Flaming 18X14

*Eight Etchings {Burgess, Holloway, Morris, Ridley} }
P. Robertson, F. Slocombe} 12X8

*Four Etchings J. Dobie 13X10
*The Escape of H.M.S. "Calliope" W.L Wyllie, A.R.A. 24X10
*Stuffing is good for Geese W. Dendy Sadler J. Dobie 18X14
*Late for the Ferry R.W. Macbeth, A.R.A. 22X14
*Summer Time H.W.B. Davis, R.A. R.W. Macbeth, A.R.A. 23X22
*The Silver Dart J. Clayton Adams David Law 26X17 1/2
Subscriptions for Proofs.
{* Proogs before letter available - With 5 chance in the Prize Drawing - L5 5s.

{ With 1 chances in the Prize Drawing L3 3s.
Proofs after letters With 2 chances in the Prize Drawing L2 2s.
Remarque Proofs on Vellum With 7 chances in the Prize Dawing L7 7s
With 1 chance in the Prize Drawing L4 4s
Of these plates only a small number of impressions remain.
Signed Proofs only of the Mezzotint "Souvenir of Valasquez" - after Sir John Millais, Bt. R______189
I desire to enter my name as a Subscrber to the ART UNION OF LONDON of
(amount) _______ for whixh I enclose _______, and I shall
be obliged by the Society's Voucher, and an Order for an Annual Work.
I am,
Name in full _______________
Address in full _____________
Harrison & Sons, Typ,

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