p. 9




Status: Complete


The Nautilus and the Ammonite

The Nautilus and the Ammonite,
Were launched in storm and strife,
Each sent to float, in its tiny boat,
On the wide, wild sea of life.

And each could swim on the ocean's brim,
And anon its sail could furl,
And sink to sleep in the great sea deep,
In a palace all of pearl.

And their's was a bliss more fain than this,
That we feel in our colder time,
For they were rife in a tropic life,
In a brighter, happier clime.

They swam 'mid [amid] isles whose summer smiles,
No wintry winds annoy;
Whose groves were palm, whose air was balm,
Whose life was only joy.

They roam'd [roamed] all day through creek and bay
And travers'd [traversed] the ocean deep,
And at night they sank on a coral bank,
In its fairy bowers to sleep.

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