p. 121



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though the most painful subjects were
chosen by both; our Lord on the cross, &
when taken down from the cross; their
whole genius put forth to depict the
hideousness of death — And in one
of [[Reubens]]'s finest pictures ofthe cru=
cifixion asif the subject were not in
itself sufficiently painful, one of
the thieves [on the cross?] is represented
as having ^just torn one of his limbs from
the cross in the agony occasioned by
the blow from a bar of Iron with
which an executioner is breaking
his legs; I believe however that this
is a painting of extraordinary power.

We visited the Docks & basins
constructed by [[Buonaparte]], it is strange
to think of the vast projects that filled
his mind, now that the bubble has
burst, & he whose footsteps we had
traced almost from one extremity of
[[Europe]] to the other has become like
the hero of a forgotten tale —

I had felt a regret in having passed
through [[Brussels]] without visiting

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