p. 119



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& instruments reaching us from one
far end of it, & the voices ofthose per=
forming their solemn religious
Service from the other — The con=
cluding procession of priests, with
uplifted crucifix, & image ofthe
virgin, & I suppose twenty
persons bearing long wax lights _
all formed a magnificent & beau=
tiful spectacle _ & that was all _

I thought of [[John Knox]], & ofthe
austere nakedness of our Presbyterian
worship _ In contemplating these
pompous services, one atthe same
time feels the error ofthose stern
reformers, who sourly rejected
much that was good & beautiful;
& admires the undaunted way
in which they ^did reject[ed] all these
things, so pleasing to our senses,
because they sought a better thing
& did not find it in them -

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