scarcely penetrated - The consciousness
of the snow topped [[Caucusus]] [[Caucasus]] visible
along all the line of our progress -
the scarcely suggested imagination
of a band of Circassian marauders
crossing the river + about to roam
for pillage ; the more vulgar dan=
gers of our swampy road ; + the
petulant molestations of the insects ,
filled us with a very complex state
of feeling, not altogether disagreeable-
After having passed some stations of
soldiers , we found that all our [[Cossacks]]
except two had deserted us, whether
overcome by the mosquitos^ which were in millions^ , or by the
fear of the enemy we could not tell, but
our driver got into no small agitation.
We were at the time in the midst of a
wide plain ,+ I suppose close to the river.
At [[Ekaterinodar]] [[Yekaterinodar]] every body had warned
us, that the [[Cossacks]] were no guard, that
they would infallibly run away, + that
very likely they were in league with the
[[Circassians]] ; + that swords + fire arms by
our own were things, without which no
person of common prudence would go
the perilous journey which we meant to
undertake _ We laid all this down to the
scare of the merchants fears , + the soldiers
boastfulness , but after reflection , made
us give more credit to it than we had
done ; for on arriving at the stage im=
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