p. 7



Status: Complete

Flat Dutch shores on both sides, or ra=
ther dykes, strengthened with stakes +
wattling against the encroachments
of the river; the materials for keeeping
up this kind of embankment, are
piled up in quantities in the villages
on the river's side, probably this is
the season when ceasless Dutch in=
dustry is at work to repair the ravages
done by the winter_____Through those
monsterous banks clothed with stun=
ted willows, with sometimes scarcely
more than a bush to vary the
flat line on the horizon, canto not
be very interesting, yet the appearance
of little Dutch villages from time to
time, the town of [[Dort ]]+ one or two
smaller places, together with the ship-
ping made it amusing to us to whom
every thing was new. We arrived
at [Heurningen?] about eight o'clock
in the evening, too late to see it, which
we regretted. It is a fortified frontier
Dutch town, so that after being com=
fortably lodged in it at the Hotel

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Dordrecht is also called Dort, or Dordt.