Mathew Carey diary, 1822-1826


  • UPenn Ms. Coll. 229
  • Personal diary of Mathew Carey with handwritten entries dating from November 13, 1822 to June 16, 1826 with many gaps. First entry for November 13th starts on last page of diary, continues in the front. (Dates on front cover are incorrect.) It appears that two pages have been sliced out between the last entry for June 1822 and the first entry for October 1822. Overall coverage is as follows: November 13, 1822; December 15.1822; March 11, 1823 to June 21, 1823; October 19, 1824 to January 28, 1825; November 2, 1825 to June 16, 1826.


    [Front Cover]
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    [Front Cover]


    December 15.1822 to June 16 1826

    Last edit over 4 years ago by arao
    [Inside front cover]
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    [Inside front cover]

    Library of the University of Pennsylvania

    Ms. coll. 229

    Last edit over 4 years ago by ck
    [Front flyleaf 1r]
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    [Front flyleaf 1r]

    Diary of [[Matthew Carey]]

    Verified by [[Hampton L. Carson]]


    Last edit over 4 years ago by Mick
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    Last edit over 4 years ago by ck
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    Decr [December] 15, 1822

    Why should I waste my time, my money, debar myself of my enjoy- ments, and even my rest at night, as well as make myself parts of deadly enemies, laboring to serve a commu- nity, in which there is not the shadow of humble spirit -- in which prevail the most smuggish apathy, and the most sordid meanness! Fareturn, or re- ward, or gratitude, I care not, & have never cared. But I could not have expected to be wholly desert- ed -- to have none to aid, or there, or support me. Could I have looked for a [?brutal] destitution of public spi- rit, such as I have experienced, I would at least have calculated that personal interest, that

    Last edit over 4 years ago by donna29
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