p. 164


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5 revisions
keenyas at Mar 13, 2023 03:33 PM

p. 164

were caught in the shower and as many more were
prevented from coming at all supposing that they would
be too late, butHarriet unwilling to disappoint any one
deferred the ceremony till half an hour later. Many
came after the storm, our little parlors were ^ soon filled
mostly with our relatives, and Harriet's and Mr Murphy's
most intimate friends. About a dozenof Mr Murphy's
classmates from the Seminary were here also.
At exactly half past three the two came down stairs
and entered the front parlor alone and took their
places. How lovely they looked! always fine looking I
never saw either of them look so handsome before
Harriet was pale but calm, Annie said that Mr Murphy
looked saucy, but I could detect no other expression on
his fine [Dr?] [Dr?] that of exulting but thankful
happiness. The bride was dressed in a plain, drab colored
travelling ^ dress fitting closely, and setting off finely her beautiful
figure, with white undersleeves, white kid gloves, and
orange blossoms in her hair. Neither of them seemed
in the least embarrassed, probally all other thought were
forgotten in the solemnity of the occasion.
Father performed the ceremony. I had hard work to
preserve my composure for the tears would start to my
eyes in spite of all my efforts as I kept my earnest gaze
fixed upon them, and during the prayer I covered my
face in my handkercheif [handkerchief]and wept.

p. 164

were caught in the shower and as many more were
prevented from coming at all supposing that they would
be too late, butHarriet unwilling to disappoint any one
deferred the ceremony till half an hour later. Many
came after the storm, our little parlors were ^ soon filled
mostly with our relatives, and Harriet's and Mr Murphy's
most intimate friends. About a dozenof Mr Murphy's
classmates from the Seminary were here also.
At exactly half past three the two came down stairs
and entered the front parlor alone and took their
places. How lovely they looked! always fine looking I
never saw either of them look so handsome before
Harriet was pale but calm, Annie said that Mr Murphy
looked saucy, but I could detect no other expression on
his fine [Dr?] [Dr?] that of exulting but thankful
happiness. The bride was dressed in a plain, drab colored
travelling ^ dress fitting closely, and setting off finely her beautiful
figure, with white undersleeves, white kid gloves, and
orange blossoms in her hair. Neither of them seemed
in the least embarrassed, probally all other thought were
forgotten in the solemnity of the occasion.
Father performed the ceremony. I had hard work to
preserve my composure for the tears would start to my
eyes in spite of all my efforts as I kept my earnest gaze
fixed upon them, and during the prayer I covered my
face in my handkercheif [handkerchief]and wept.