p. 173




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grew weaker substituted the word "Pa" __ "Pa ! Pa ! Pa !" Oh! how
sad and entreatying was that cry ! __ Then after a pause
he said sorrowfully but resignedly "Dear Father Dear Mother
Bye Bye; Bye Bye!" as if speaking to us all _ it was all he
had strength to utter. _ This had passed in a very few
moments and our attention had been divided between
his words and the vain attempts to rouse him into life
Was it strange that we still hoped? _ that so sudden was
the dreadful shock that we could neither believe nor
realize it _ Father was the last to give him up, how could^he
with those tones sounding in his ears? The Doctor stopped
in despair but Father said "once more" and again he raised
the drooping head and poured the brandy into his mouth
it gurgled in his throat __ "Try Natty; try to swallow it." he
entreated, but the next moment laid him back on his
pillow his eyes fixed in death. Never shallI forget the
agony of that moment as he dropped helplessly into a chair
and covered his face with his hands in all the anguish
of despair of a parent's heart. Poor Mother, bending over her
dying boy, lifted an imploring glance to the Doctor while the
fearful question faltered on her lips - "Can't you save him?"
"No earthly power can do that" was the heart-rending answer
Oh the agony of that hour to us all! - Carrie and I wringing
our hands in the wildest grief that we had yet known,
while Cornelius and Frederic with a bitter cry threw themselves
to the bed beside their dying brother. Only for a moment
did Father forget himself; his child he could not save from
the power of the ruthless destroyer, but the immortal soul
was still lingering in the land of hope; he sprang up and again

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