p. 125
Wednesday May 19th Rather windy and chilly. Fires were again
in demand. [Lewrd?] most of teh day. Our new carpet
was brought home in the afternoon. It is very pretty.
Thursday.. Very pleasant. Cleaning was commenced againt to-day
with fresh zeal. Was not very well, but assisted some.
Was busy ironing muslins when Annie and her sister
Margaret came to spend the day with us. I have not seen
Maggie before since her marraige. She is thinner and
paler than she used to be, but this seems only to heighten
her beauty, and adds a touching sweetness to the ever
gentle and winning expression on her countenance.
She is indeed a lovely and beautiful girl, but how sad to
think that to these qualities, generally considered so desirable,
are owing the sorrows that so cruelly embitter her youthful
days! -- Soon after their arrival sister Annie changed
her dress and assisted us in making our new carpet.
The day passed very pleasantly. Tass? came over with
Father and Mr Murphy to tea. A short time before tea
Harriet was seized with a violent headache and was
obliged to retire. Mr Murphy made a short visit to her
room before he left. Mary Jane Schunck?, Sarah Redfe?'s
Mr Peter Mescroth?, and Mr Marshall called in the
evening. -- Father conversed alone with Maggie sometimes
It was quite late when we retired.
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