p. 119




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Saturday.. Weather the same. Busy as usual in sewing and domestic
duties. Preparations for Harriet's approaching marriage
fills up our time pretty well and till then we shall have
little or no leisure. I am afraid that I steal a few
moments too many for my books and [fear?] but when
they are in [night?] it seems almost impossible to resist the
temptation. However as soon as I have disposed of what
books I have just now in hand, I shall try to deny myself
those dear privileges for a few weeks, [reocessing?] only the
pleasure of writing my nightly record which must be
attended to at all events. It must sometimes be brief
but a line is better than nothing at all, and perhaps it
will be better for me not to fill up so many pages with
my poor scribblings.

Mary Willet made a long call on Carrie in the afternoon.
Mr Murphy took tea with us.

Sunday. Pleasant. Attended our church all day and S. [singing] School in
the afternoon. Father's preached text in the morning was
"Choose ye, this day, whom ye will serve." and in the
afternoon "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"
I was much interested in them both.

Spent the evening at home in reading. Harriet read aloud
To Mr Murphy and Caroline. Harriet was not well enough
to-day to go out. Old Dr Beecher preached at Central Hall
to-night but a shower coming up about the time to go
prevented any attendance, Natty weak.

[written sideways along gutter edge]
Mrs. Holbrook died this morning
at four o'clock, falling peacefully
asleep in the arms of the Saviour
in whom she trusted

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