p. 73
Wednesday, July 14th Very warm. Aunt Graves came over soon
after breakfast to see Kate--staid about an hour, Kate
not feeling well, and being [white?] much fatigued lay
down in her room and I sat beside her reading + talking
till dinner time. We sat a long time at the table talking
about Aunt Caroline, her family, the South etc. Kate's
conversation is very interesting and betrays a refined and
highly cultivated mind with a very poetic turn.
Sewed some in the afternoon--Evening listening to Kate.
Thursday Very warm. Carrie and Kate went out in the morning.
Annie came over before dinner. I was not well and
was obliged to lie down most of the afternoon.
Margaret Culbert called. Stan came over to tea and
after spending a pleasant evening with us he with Annie
left about ten o'clock.
Friday Cloudy. Sewed in the morning. In the afternoon called
on Mary R. but did not find her at home and made quite
a long pleasant call on Harriet Strong. Attended prayer
meeting with Father in the evening. S. W.? accompanied me
home. He talked and appeared very well-- happened to
be in a proper mood I suppose though I gave him
no invitation to do so, he told me he would call soon.
I replied that I should be pleased to see him.
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