p. 65




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Tuesday.. Rained in the morning but cleared off very pleasantly
of noon. So soon after dinner I started for Brooklyn
Reached Mary Jane's about three o'clock. Found them
all well. Carrie was much pleased to see me.
We called on Aunt Graves across the way before dusk
returned in time for tea after which Louise played
and sang very prettily for our entertainment.

Henry Hudson called about seven o'clock and accompanied
Carrie and I to Mr Beecher's church where we heard
an excellent sermon by the Rev Charles Finney on "Prayer"
It suited Henry's case exactly -- nothing could have
been more appropriate. -- I intended to return
home with Henry in the evening but my cousins
would not listen to such a proposition -- stay all
night I must so at last I consented and Henry
returned without me. Carrie and I slept together
and talked an hour or two after retiring before we
fell asleep.

Wednesday.. Delightful day... C-- and I rose early. Met the
family at the breakfast table soon after seven.
Breakfast was followed by family prayers. and at eight
we attended a morning prayer meeting at Dr. Cox's church
across the way. It continued an hour, we then returned, the
children went to school, and Mary Jane, Carrie and I
spent the morning in talking, reading, and sewing.
I left at three o'clock P.M. and returned, as I went, by stage.

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