Sunday Feb. 15th. Bright overhead, but the snow which lay a
foot thick on the ground, chilled the air and made it unpleasant out of doors. I attended church all day
and Sunday School in the afternoon. Father preached
evening at home, reading.
Monday, very pleasant. Kate Hudson made a long morning
call. Soon after dinner I was surprised to receive a
call from Henry. He was quite feeble, seemed scarcely
able to walk, and looked almost corpslike, he was so
pale and thin. This appearance did not seem at all
natural, but his manner was the same as ever,
though perhaps more manly and easy than formerly.
He is that rare, but most pleasant and interesting character
a perfect gentleman! He staid about an hour.
Caroline and Harriet spent this afternoon and evening
in New York. After Henry had left. I employed the remaineder of the afternoon in writing to Mary Reeve.
About half past seven int he evening Phineas Hudson bounded
in scarcely able to contain himself for joy, with the anounce-
ment that his father had arrived about half an hour before
safely from California. We could not get this delighted
boy to sit down, he was off in a moment. Father went
to their house immediately to see his old friend and rejoice
with them. - Well! they are all back again at last, safe
and well! Three years ago many feared and some prophecied
that this would never be. Three years of doubt and fear mingled with
hope have [illegible], but through a thousand dangers they have returned.
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