p. 34
Friday. The cold has moderated sensibly, and it is much
more pleasant. The snow is beginning to melt.
Commenced a letter to Allen Seager?. __ George Hudson
called in the afternoon. To oblige Sarah to [Lad?] in the
morning [errand?] over to the city of New York to [ascertain?]
whether the boats were running on the Stonington line
He found that they did not not the Sound being full of
ice, there was also so much ice in the river that
he was two hours in crossing. [Houston?] street ferry.
Lo miss Sarah will not be able to return this week.
though she is very anxious to do so. --
About two years ago when Carrie was in Stonington
she had her daguerreotype taken there, and gave it to
Sarah, and S-- brought it here with her this winter.
It is a miserable little picture -- a perfect fright com
-pared to the original; just such a one as we might
expect to obtain in a village like Stonington.
George has been trying to get it to carry off with him
but Carrie will not let him have it. Then he wants
to have us three sit for our daguerreotype in a group
We had a great deal of fun about it, and Sarah jokingly
told him that he might have hers. He took her up
in earnest, and this afternoon claimed her promise.
Sarah thought it her duty to keep her word, so with [George?]
and I she went to [Dur-----'s] Gallery, and obtained an excellent
one. George purchased [an?] beautiful case for it, and it was very
pretty inside and out. It was nearly dark when we returned.
[Side] George came in and staid some time. He tried to persuade me to have my
daguerreotype taken with Sarah's but I refused
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