p. 23




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January 1st 1852.. As if in bright contrast to the gloomy
close of 1851, the first day of 1852 dawned smilingly
upon us. The sun so long hidden mounted rejoicingly
the blue cloudless sky, and showering its warm
beams on the grateful earth, soon banished the cold
and damp, and presented to us one of the loveliest
winter days I have ever enjoyed.
We rose early, and also at an early hour dressed to
recieve our friends. The calling commenced about
eleven o'clock, and was kept up pretty briskly till about
five P.M. then after quite a cessation, commenced again
We had [???words crossed out] between fifty and sixty calls.
Mr Murphy, Mr Dickinson, and [?] passed the greater
part of the evening with us. Mr Murphy presented [H?] -
with a pair of cuff pins, and Carrie and I each a
gold pencil. Stan? and Albert called together in
the afternoon. Of course the day passed delightfully;
I enjoyed it fully. The young men seemed in high
spirits and made themselves generally agreable, and
we girls had merriment enough of our own to fill
up the pauses whenever they occurred. We made
some new acquaintances to-day, and also missed some
old friends. The custom of making and receiving calls
is not quite so fashionable as it once was, and the gents
all said that the ladies complained of the small num-
ber of calls. George H. called with E. Daniel & brother.

[text continues on left center margin:] George says that Henry is better. [?] [?] [this?] morning for Boston &
Portland on important business.

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