p. 21




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Tuesday.. Rainy. Occupied the morning in making [mottoes?].
Very busy also in the afternoon and evening. Mr Murphy
spent the evening here - Heard that H. was better.

Wednesday.. Foggy and drizzling. Arose early and before break-
fast escorted by Frederic I made my way through the
mud and rain to Mrs Lee's (our washerwoman) house
with a [tidy?] that I was very anxious to have her do up
immediately. I had expected that Sarah would come
today but as the weather was so unpleasant and as it
was growing late I gave her up. She came at last however
and we greeted each other as usual with a kiss and a
hearty laugh. Then followed a rapid detail of what had
transpired since we parted which whether merry or sad
pleasant or disagreable seemed only to make each
other laugh and then of course we had to wonder
what made us act so foolish and to laugh at that.
Finally Sarah's things were taken off and put away and we adjourned
to the dining - room to see the rest of the family. The afternoon passed
pleasantly and busily. In the evening Father read an impressive sermon
from Dwight, made a short address, and prayed in a solemn & appropriate
manner. We retired immediately afterward
it was about ten o'clock

"The bells sing out the Dying Year
In music full of hopeful cheer.
One more is ended; let us [scan?]
What this dead year has done for man,
And cast the New Year's horoscope
In the eternal light of Hope."

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