p. 17




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Monday.. Snowed all day. Helen Stearns called in the morning
I was quite ill and lay down most of the afternoon.
Nathaniel met George Hudson in the course of the day.
who informed him that Henry was quite sick, and
unable to leave the house. It is feared that he will
have the [Chagres?] fever which he might have taken
while crossing the [Isthmus?]. How unfortunate if it
should so happen. A sad welcome indeed to one
returning, bouyant with hope, after nearly three years
absence, to his beloved home.

==Tuesday..]] The ground was covered with snow, and the sleigh bells
jingled merrily by all day.. The sun shone warmly and
brightly on the snow-clad earth. It was a lovely sight.
I did not go out all day. We heard from the Hudson's
that Henry was still worse. Mr Murphy spent the evening

Wednesday.. Cloudy. Morning in sewing with Nattie. Early in the afternoon
Mother called on the Hudson family and found them
nearly all sick. Poor Henry is confined to his bed in a
raging fever. The Doctor says that "the old southern
rascal has go hold of him". He feels the cold very much
and says he could never live here again in this
cold climate. He sent us word that if he was well he
would come to see us but as he could not we must
come and see him. - Went out of an errand and
called on Mary Reeve. In the evening received a
letter from [joseph? Gonsolves?] saying that [she?] would be happy
to visit me but could not come this week. If she comes at all she

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