p. 16
Saturday, December 20th. Clear. Busy at home all day.
Mary Willet called in the afternoon. Mr Goodell a
friend of father's, and who is to preach for him to-morrow
came to pass the Sabbath with us. He lives in the western
part of New York state.
Sunday, December 21st, Cold and cloudy. Attended our church
all day, and Sunday School in the afternoon. Mr Goodell
preached in the morning on, "I am the Lord, I change [?].
and in the afternoon from 1 John 2:3. Both sermons
were very fine indeed, and attracted an unusually
large audience. The Hudson girls walked home with
us after the afternoon service and gave us the unexpected intelligence that
Henry arrived from California this morning at 11 o'clock
They have been expecting him all the week, but did not
tell us that he was coming so soon. He was too tired
to attend church. Joseph Wilde walked home with me
and took the occasion to congratulate me on [?]
return, but I not hearing the conversation of the others
who were ahead, and as it was so unexpected I thought
he was in jest, and answered him accordingly.
I did not know till I reached home that it was indeed
true. He came alone; his father expects to follow
him in a month. He sent his respects to us and
said that he would call soon.
In the evening Natty and I attended Mr Beecher's church.
Harriet and Mr Murphy also attended.
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