p. 9




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Journal Continued


Thursday, November 27th 1851

Mild & Pleasant

We all rose early. Father, Carrie, Cornelius, Fred & I
attended our church in the morning. Father preached
On our return home we found that Mr Murphy, Stan
and Annie, Albert and Mary Emma had already arrived
we having resolved to follow the old New England fashion
of collecting all the family together for a good Thanksgiving
dinner. This was soon served, and we all did abundant
justice to Mother's good cooking. Turkies puddings pies &c
dissappearing in short order. Then we remained quite a
long time at the table chatting in quite a merry humour
We toasted Father as the best looking man at the table which
I thought true. After dinner Annie presented Mother with
a very pretty cap, and the children insisted on giving
some of us a sleigh ride on the ice in the back yard.
The remainder of the afternoon passed very pleasantly
indeed. We had some very good singing, and Albert
entertained us by speaking some of the pieces that he
was accustomed to repeat on like occasions in boyhood
About seven o'clock we commenced singing some of the
sweet old hymns that we had been accustomed to sing from the
time we could remember. How sadly yet sweetly those [plaintive?]
notes recalled the past, and brought back the Thanksgiving days when
Grandmother and [Uncle's?] family united with ours in celebrating it.

[text written on left margin] Father read the [ninetieth?] Psalm in a very solemn and impressive manner
and after making some very appropriate remarks was followed by Mr Murphy in prayer
Supper at [eight?]. Our pleasant little family party broke up about ten; Stan and Annie
Albert and Mary Emma returning to the city

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