p. 16



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10 upon said band & the Col
was then very officious in
giving his orders to the
company to mount the
hurricane deck & rock her
off. On Friday we received on
board as passenger a moder-
ate Kenetuckian who must
be related I think to the Kentucky
giant- being about 6 feet
five inches & larvge in pro-
portions; I should think he would
weigh 350 lbs. He had a club
inscriebd with his name, about
three inches in diameter it
[illegible] do no [illegible] it to [illegible].
Soon asfter he was comfor-
table seated by the fire, the
boat got aground & Col
Evans rush to that part of
the cabin, stammered out
the exclamation "come
Sampson, we want you to lift off the Boat"!

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