p. 233



Status: Complete

[[Chateau de Fernay]]

His Soul seem'd [seemed] to be moved with Indigna
=tion whilst he spoke it, & he accompanyd [accompanied]
this with a Vehemence of Action that show'd [showed]
to what a degree he abhorred masses and
the religious -

How often when one would go port
do these fellows detain you says he - If you
ask where is the Postillion he he is gone
to Mass, & you must wait with Patience for
a half an hour till he has done -

By this time I became quite familiar
with him, ask'd [asked] him Questions with as much
Assurance as if I had been long acquainted
him - I ask'd [asked] him if he had read any Accts [Accounts]
of Electricity or was acquainted with [[Dr. Franklin]]s
writings on that Subject - & what he thought of
him. He acknowledged him to be the Discoo'r [Discoverer]
& Improv'r [Improver] of Electricity; that he was a Man
of Genius of Merit & a great Nat'l [Natural] Philosopher -

I then ask'd [asked] him so if he had read [[Mr. Humes]]
writings or Doctr. [[Doctor Robinsons]] History of [[Scotland]]
as he said he often read english Books


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