We next took a turn in the gardens of the [[Duke of
Palace]] near ye [the] Town, where the roy'l [royal] family resort
to take ye [the] air. We went from hence to see a
Regiment review'd [reviewed] just out of Town,
close by the Cittadel who made an
excellent Appearance - We met
all the young family of the [[Duke of
Savoy]] in two Coaches who were out to
take the Air with their Lad Women
or Ladies of Hon'r [Honor] appointed to look aft'r [after]
them - they are eight in Numb'r [Number]
the oldest Son called the [[Prince of Piedmont]]
is but ab't [about] 10 Years of Age or a
little more - The [[Duke of Savoy]]
has had by his Dutchess allready ten
Children of whom two are dead -
Tis remarked of him that though he
is a most sprightly & vivacious man,
yet that he has been ever true to the
marriage Bed, having no attachment
with other women though the Dutchess
is not handsome - This arises from a
Motive of Love or Honour or Religion -
a very rare Insance amongst Princes - If The
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