Adventure of [[Buffalora]]
Wednesday Thursday Aug'st [August] 21 got up at eight
OClock this morning, and ^ after Breakfast went to the Dogana
to acquaint my gentlemen Custom-house
officers there of the Satisfaction we
had obtained at Milano [[Milan]] & to prepare
them for a Call Summons to [[Milan]] to give an
acc't [account] of their Conduct -
We saw at first only Justice Balance
or Old [[Coppa]]. The Sight of us & the unex-
-pected Salutation we gave him, to prepare
himself for a Call to [[Milan]] Seem'd a
Thunder Clap to him. He endeavoured to
throw the Blame on the Man who made
the Siezure & his Comrade - whom we next
Sought for, to taunt to threaten them with
the condign punishment w'ch [which] awaited them.
We had taken care at Breakfastime
to circulate the News ab't [about] the Tavern of
the Success we had obtained at [[Milan]],
as the Rascals had done in the Same
house two days before of the Plunder
they had made - with w'ch perhaps they regaled
th'r [their] acquaintances - If so their Feast must have been
crude & undigested as we made them disgorge so quickly after.
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