p. 122



Status: Complete


The Body of Charlemagne [[Cardinal Charles Borrimeo]] is preserved
in a Case of Chrystal in a Chappel under
the Pavement of this Church -- to w'ch [which] he was
a great Benefactor.

We went to the Top of the middle Tower
of the Church w'ch [which] is not yet fin they are
now at work upon - on one hand we
had a view from hence of the [[Alps]], of w'ch [which]
our Guide told us that some of the Mountains
we saw are far beyond the lake of [[Geneva]]
in [[Switzerland]], the nearest being about
20 leagues off, others 60 & some he says above
100 leagues, or 300 Miles distant however in-
-credible it may appear to say so. We
plainly discern that they are all covered with
snow at this hot Season of the Year the
middle of August.

Carrying our Eye round the Horrizon, we
have a plain View to the Westward, where the
Sun is now near setting of that immense
high Mountain of ye [[Alps]] w'ch [which] is distinguished
by ye Name of [[St. Bernard]] - Tho 60 leagues off.
Its craggy head seems to Tower in the heavens as
much above the other high mountains of the
[[Alps]] as a Giant above the hight of a common


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