p. 111



Status: Complete


an excellent Painter as may be seen by
Many Paintings of his doing in several of the
Churches _ particularly a fine [[St. [Saint] Gregorio]]
In the under ground Chappel, & two pieces in
the seventh Chappel of the church of [[St [Saint] Francesco]].
vizt. [videlicet] one of the [[Judith]] with the Head of [[Holofernes]].
& another of [[Esther]] fainting before [[Ahaseureus]] _
As this Author is so particular & exact I may
refer to his Book for an Acct_ [Account] of the Paintings
except a few w/ch he does not mention _

vizt: [videlicet] Monday _ Augst. [August] 12. After seeing the Studts [students]
of the Academy draw from a naked figure
of a living man, we went to the Room where
the very famous Painting of [[Corregio]] is kept _
of the Medonna, Child, angle [[St. [Saint] Jerom]] &c_ so often copd_ [copied]
It is most extraordinary on acct. [account] of its fine colouring _
Amongst others who have copy'd [copied] it _ [[Mr. [Mister] Strange]]
who was made a Professor of Painting in this
NB Academy, has taken one w/ch [which] is said to be a most
extraordinary one for a Print shortly to be publishd
In one of the Rooms _ There is a Plan of [[Valea]] an ancient
city within abt. [about] 12 Miles of [[Placentzia]], the ruins

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