p. 633



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beauties of womanhood. [scored through: embarassment]
they met often, his attachment
grew stronger every time they met
Jessie seemed sometimes indifferent
sometimes she seemed more interested
in the conversation of others. She would
show more favour to others. A spell
bound him when in her society he
could find [scored through: nothing to say or tell her]
no subject of conversation & he fancied
himself inferior to other young men who
could converse gaily & freely with the
object of his affections. At last came
the order to join his regiment & sail
for India they met the evening before
he was to leave it might be forever
his native land. No trace of sorrow
no weeping was there in her face He
must tell her of his love Suspense is
no longer to be borne. He pours his
tales of love into her ear & wrings from
her the confession that she loves

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