everything is new. New places & associates
help to pass the time pleasantly 2
months from the date of sailing from
England they are landed in
adventure. Fresh news are heard
of the attrocitties in India. Young Albert
has a brother at Cawnpore. With
eagerness he looks over the list of
slain. His brothers name meets his
eye he had died a noble death
seized by this infuriated native hes
taken before the Rajah: there are no
means of escape by an oversight on the part of
the Savages. The Young man has his revolver with
him he resolves to sell his life dearly. Five
fall by his hand. The sixth shot was
[struck through: destined] [Written above & struck through:Kept]for the Rajah. He shot misses
he is seized bound & a death awaits him
the most horrible that can be imagined
crucifixion luckily the savages in their
eagerness to torture give releif to the
sufferer by bayonet thrusts he is
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