p. 330




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Sunday Jany. 27th. 1861.

After visiting the female side today
had an early dinner & went to
Kilburn with Dr. R. to[ok] a bus to the
Marble Gate. walked through Hyde
up by The Serpentine called
at Dr. R. brother in law's at Kilburn had
tea. went to the Church with Dr. R.
& his sister. on returning met Dr. R.s brotr.
& had supper with them. Too late
for 'bus from Kilburn Gate.

Sunday Feby. 3rd. 1861.

Nothing new has occurred during this
week. have been at a meeting of the
Society of Arts & heard a paper read
on the Adulteration of food by a
Mr. Wentworth Scott. A considerable dis-
cussion took place afterwards as to
the statement that 7/8th. of the tea
used in England was adulterated.
I have been gradually getting

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