p. 327
& a Mr.Ward. Had an excellent dinner
Sat talking with Dr. Ritchie in the evg.
& wrote a letter home.
Wednesday. Jany. 23rd. 1861.
Down to breakfast at 8.30 after a
very comfortable nights rest. Went to
the office with Dr. Ritchie after & saw
the different books schedules etc to
be kept. Afterwards went round
the asylum with Dr. R. & was introd-
-ced to the patients etc. After dinner
went up with Dr. R. to a meeting of
the Geological Society in Somerset
House. Heard a paper on the [struck through: Mor] so
called Moraines of the Punjab. Discussion
by. & Pf. Ramsey of Glasgow.
Also a paper on. Fossil
fish & one on Chalk: presented
by Huxley, Ramsey. Whittaker etc. had tea
after: & Dr.R. & I walked to the bank.
I took a bus back. From there had
some brandy hot with Dr.R
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