p. 325
Sunday Jany 20th. 1861.
Got up at 10 oclock & hurried down to
church at Broughton Place heard Dr.
Thomson preach. My Father & I in the
seat alone. Jessie Robt. & Willie at home
Went to hear McCall in Rose Street
in the afternoon with Bill Auld. preached
on "Worthy is the Lamb &ce" Saw him in
Princes Street after. did not go to tea with
him. went home & called on McCall
at 5.30 got paid 21/- for attending case
parted from him in the S.B. Lane where
he went to pay a visit. home at 7.30.
Monday Jany. 21st. 1861.
Got up at 9 & after breakfast
commenced packing up. (Shepherd)
of Perth called. called on Fyfe & McCall
in the Evening. Met Banks when out
with Fyfe got home about 8 ocl. Left
hurriedly at 8.40 thinking the train left
soon but had to wait till 9.30 Robt.
& Willie came to the train & waited in
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