p. 274
Waverley Hotel Cheapside
Wednesday Augt. 3rd. 1859
Went out after breakfast ordered two suits
of clothes in Cloth mart Cheapside called
at Morrison Dillons,Porter. Carr. Pears
went [written above:walked] down to London Dock in
the afternoon vessel not up turned
in fell asleep instead of seeing Carr.
wrote home
Thursday August 4th. 1859.
Went to tailors & to London Dock.
Blackwall coach to Commercial road
My traps passes after staying
on bd. 2 or 3 hours. left a crape
shawl. Cheated by humpers[?] &
Cabman. [struck through: on to] took traps to Kings
Cross & drove home Cabman 8/-
a telegraph from Fred: stating
come down by first train sister to
be married tomorrow. Cash ex-
pended had to wait till next
day to cash a bill Clothes sent
up this evg. met Anderson in
Moorgate Street when walking out
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