p. 268




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on bd. "Ivanhoe"

astern this Mg. 1 Ocl just in sight
on the horizon Astern. A Schooner & Barque
to Leeward. Going up Channel to
day with a spanking breeze on the
Quarter. expect to sight Land at
the Start tomorrow. 194 miles off
today. 133 of[f] Lizard 100 miles from
Scilly breeze freshened this Mg. about
8 Ocl Mrs P. sent Steward for some
Lilium this Mg. refused to give unless
prescribed by myself Sent a second
time refused, he told Capt. Capt. would
not interfere.

Sunday July 31st. 1859.

Sighted old England (Start Point)
at 10 this mg. up at 4. been blowing
stiff all night. immense numbers of
vessels outward bound hove to & under
reefed topsails Several Cowes pilot
boats lurking about [Struck through: several] one
came under our Stern asked us
to what port bound? would not take

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