p. 261



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at Sea

Monday July 11th. 1859.

Fine breeze in the WSW when it fell
light. did 114 miles today on our
Course. 1510 miles from England by

Tuesday July 12th. 1859.

Quite Calm today & very warm a
great quantity of fish like Bonito
about & several small ones. been
no wind all night expect wind soon
as it want only 3 days of full moon.
tried to catch some fish today but would
not take the bait. Therm 77°.

Wednesday July 13th. 1859.

This day last year left Calcutta
for Akyab in the "Cape of Good Hope"
nearly dead Calm since yes-
terday we have made 7 miles N
& 9 E. slow work. do not know
when we will reach England
at this rate. large numbers of
fish about. A Yankee ship
about 5 miles to windward

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