at Sea
[Struck through: Tuesday] [written above: Wednesday] June 15th. 1859.
still got fair wind & are to
day in 4°20. I took an observation
quite correctly & worked it for
Lat. Tried Longitude with
other but failed. Ship in sight
on the Lee bow Squalls & heavy
showers of rain all last night &
continues rainy today. Therm 82°
[Struck through: Wednesday] [written above: Thursday] June 16th. 1859.
Three months since we cleared out of
Calcutta today. Nearly calm. heavy
showers of rain Therm 82° did not
get the Sun at 12 today but near
it Capt. marked my obs. on the Chart.
[Struck through: Thursday] [written above: Friday] June 17th. 1859.
we have done 34 miles northing to
day been nearly becalmed had
a light fair wind some part of
today but it has been veering
about so none. Saw three vessels
today a Dutch Brigantine
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