p. 245
Wednesday June 8th. 1859.
Sighted Ascention yesterday afternoon
came up within 7 miles about six
oclock but did not venture into harbour
the Capt. not having been in before
did not care to venture. the island from
the So.E. presented a series of irregular
cones ending in low points at each
extr. it appeared perfectly sterile &
barren not a blade of grass visible
it being volcanic in origin. We
went tack & tack of[f] the island all
night the rocks had a steep declivity
down to the waters edge. this mg.
at daylight we went round the
island under easy sail. the Capt.
Peterson Payne & I watching the
different points of land as things
opened. we kept about 2 miles
off. saw a tent & wooden house at
a place where turtle is caught be
tween seven & eight I saw the masts
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