p. 235
at "Sea" of[f] Roderique 26th
Sun rather too warm. Therm. 75°
at midday 70° or 72 before sunrise
(in the shade [written above: the former]) in the shade) reading (Sullivan)
& Miller's Surgery this forenoon before
tiffin & the fall of Palmyra)
nearly calm all the evg.
[Struck through: Sunday] Thursday April 28th. 1859
off Mauritius [written above: southward]. remains calm
up at 7 (bad feeding) all
Sunday May 1st. 1859
off the southern coast of Madagascar.
no obs taken yesterday breeze very
light today during the last
day or two Mother Careys have
been flying round the stern
this mg. saw a small albatross
25° S. had a stiff breeze the
other night looked very black
fancied we would have a
Cyclone bar[ometer]. however remained
steady & wind also. a vessel
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