p. 226
on bd. "Ivanhoe"
& wet have had no observation for
3 days.
Sunday April 3rd. 1859
Rained & blew nearly all day
Close hauled but laying nearly on
counter. Ship more steady but very
uncomfortable & warm. all stock
turned out today & put in
boatswains Cabin.
Monday April 4th. 1859
Up at 1/2 past 5 had a salt
water bath. fell nearly calm this
mg. very hot. expect to be in 6° to
day sun nearly vertical playing
sang with the passengers in the evg.
Tuesday April 5th. 1859
Blazing hot day no wind. bath
this mg. Cf. Mate threw a bucket of water
over me. Lat 6.41 Long 84.58.
off Galle. reading Pickwick
abroad sitting under the break
of the poop. forfeits in the
evg. earth air water
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