At Sea
sprung up abot 10 fell calm
in the evg. again.
Monday March 28th. 1859
Up about 6 had a bath. read
Pickwick very close hot &
muggy this forenoon. expect there
may be some dirty weather a
boy came to me today with
spleen belonged to the Chittagong
Naval Brigade. finished Pickwick
commenced Pickwick abroad.
Tuesday March 29th. 1859.
Up a little after 5 took a bath
on deck a cheroot breakfast at
1/2 past 8. 2 sailors who have
died belonging to the Ship effects
sold off fetched much above their
price by the men learning to
play Chess with Peterson. day
very hot. played ecarte this
forenoon with Peterson & Backgam[mon]
with Payne. all played catch
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